Saturday, June 28, 2008

Two more days!!!

I know the baby ticker says I have 7 days left, but thankfully I have a doctor who is willing to induce me a week early so this boy doesn't get too big for me to deliver... so YEAH!! I am going to be induced on Monday. I am so ready and excited to be bringing another life into this world, what a priviledge it is to be a mother! I will post as soon as I can with pictures and stats of our little Beckham. Wish me luck, I hope this labor is a easy as my first (knock on wood)..


heidi said...

We will definitely be thinking of you...I hope it all goes well. I had 4 easy labors and deliveries so there is hope for yet another one for you.

Melissa said...

You will do great, you're a natural! I am excited for you! Keep me posted, I'm thinking of you!

The Tarin Family said...

Good luck with everything! I'm so excited for you guys! I can't wait to see this little guy! I hope that things go well with the labor and delivery, and you bring home a healthy baby!
Best of luck! Can't wait to hear the details!