Sunday, July 20, 2008

What a funny girl...

Can I just tell you that I have the cutest girl in the entire world! Seriously, she is always making me laugh with the little things she does. She is always coming up with something new to entertain us. These are some pictures of her and her funny ways..

Brinley has NEVER fallen asleep anywhere but her crib or carseat in her ENTIRE life... Yet the other day she was so tired she fell asleep in her high chair after a good lunch of mac and cheese..
She loves her brother so much, she is always wanting to hold him and kiss him. She woke up the other day and went to lay next to him, I was just lucky to get this picture..
Here she is pretending to be asleep and making her grandpa "sleep" as well. She even pretends to snore, it is so hilarious!
This is how I found her yesterday, in nothing but a diaper, chilling in Beckham's swing watching The Little Mermaid.
Our little gymnist is ALWAYS hanging on things and swinging herself around, as well as doing somersaults and jumping from couch to couch. Case in point...
Isn't she adorable!!


Liz & Zac said...

She IS adorable! You are so lucky to have 2 cute babies!

Melissa said...

Aww!! Brin is growing like crazy! She is so beautiful. I love the picture of her kissing sweet!!

The Burke Family said...

Hey Ashley I just found your blog from your facebook. Your family is absolutely beautiful! Your baby is so cute. We will have to get together for that BBQ Soon. Check out our blog

Stacy and Justin said...

Way cute pictures of Brinley!