Sunday, December 7, 2008


So my brother and sister in law came with their two kids from Arizona to spend Thanksgiving with all of us.  We were lucky enough to have them for two weeks.  We had such a blast.  Carter and Brinley are only a month apart and are such good buddies. They are actually more like brother and sister, one minute they are playing and having fun and the next they are wanting to pull each others hair out. I wish they lived closer so we could hang out together all the time.  We seriously had SO much fun.  We went to the Lehi Legacy Center and shopping, to the Bean Museum and just had fun being together.  The sister's in law even went to the midnight movie of Twilight with my mother in law.  SO FUN!! 
Carter and Brinley
The Merrifield's came from Rexberg and had Thanksgiving with us. Here is their twins Kensie and Gabbie, Carter and Brinley getting ready to watch Lion King.
Carter and Brinley playing animals together...

Here is the Lehi Legacy Center.  

My boys
Jen and Carter, me and Brinley
Landon, Carter, Darren and Beckham

One night we went over the Braden and Melissa's and played rock band.  Stacy and I even got in on the action...
Landon and Justin on guitar, Darren on vocals and me on drums
Aaron and Darren on vocals, Justin and Landon on guitar and Stacy on drums
All the sister's in law taking over and killing it!!
I think this is a great picture of Justin and Stacy concentrating on their instruments
Then it was Brinley and Tyler's turn.. Go 
Brinley rocking the drums!

1 comment:


You guys have such a fun family! It was fun going to Twilight and the Legacy Center with you guys! We should hang out more often!