Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Brinley Graduates Kindergarten

Today Brinley Graduated Kindergarten.  To some this may not seem like a big deal.. To me, it was all I could do to not cry my eyes out.  I am already freaking out about her going to "big" school.  How did this happen so fast?  I know everyone says that, but really, it's true.  I feel like time walked right up and slapped me in the face.  She is a teacher's dream and I know her teacher felt the same.  So proud to be her mom.
 Giving dad a big hug before it started (insert tears here)
 Brinley and Mrs. Weaver
 So proud of her

 Kindergarten Grad
 Grandma and Grandpa (He cried too)
 Sibling Love
I love the kind of grandpa my dad is to my kids.  He is such an interactive grandpa and my kids love him!

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