Saturday, January 23, 2010


So I went in for another ultrasound to make sure that everything was still going smoothly. It is. This time the baby was big enough to get a good picture in 4D. Baby did not want to cooperate that is for sure. It took forever to get a picture of the face, it kept burying its face into the placenta and would not turn. Finally, baby turned just enough to get this one. It turned out so great! You can see the cleft on the one side, the other one is still hidden. I have another ultrasound at the end of February and so hopefully we can get a shot of both sides and the inside of the mouth. There was no luck with that this time.


Stacy and Justin said...

It is crazy that they can take a picture in 4D! I am thinking it is a girl, but that picture looks like a boy to me?

Rebekah said...

Wow! It was hard for me to see the baby in that picture. I have never seen a 4D picture before. I finally found your cute baby and I think SHE looks like Brinley. LOL. Hope you are doing good!

ATT Hickson said...

Boy or Girl - I think your baby looks beautiful! What an amazing picture! Let me know if you guys need anything.