Saturday, December 11, 2010

Presley Recovery

Presley's surgery went perfectly. She now has her own soft palate! It looks fantastic! This one was a little harder than the first surgery as far as being in the hospital. Last time she just slept for about two days straight. This time she came out of anesthesia pretty quick and was trying to crawl out of her crib. She cried a lot more than she did the first time. She would sleep and then wake up crying until she fell back to sleep. She wouldn't let anyone hold her but mommy and she wouldn't let me put her down. When she would be in a deep sleep I would try to put her down but she would wake up and freak out. Let's just say that they first night was a long one. She wouldn't eat at all either until about noon the next day. But she did wake up happier and so we went and wandered the hospital with her in a little stroller. She loved that! We got to go home at about 3:00 on Tuesday. Now that we are home she has been so great. She has periods throughout the day where she wants to be held but other than that is crawling around trying to play with her brother and sister. Thanks everyone who came to the hospital for support. We love you all!!!
All dressed and ready to go.... (I wanted to take these jammies home but they have a chip in them so people don't take them)
At Primary's they have a lot of different things to entertain the kids. While we were in pre-op a volunteer brought this dog around. Presley had never seen a dog before and didn't know quite was to think.
Afterwards. So sad
She did let daddy hold her for a minute until she saw me again.. Doesn't her face look so miserable?


Stacy and Justin said...

So glad the surgery went perfect. She looks so cute in those pj's! It was good to see you guys, see you today!

Savannah said...

She looks great. So glad it went well, it gives me hope! Rocky's surgery is the end February. Thanks for going through everything before we do :) haha it makes it a lot easier on us! ....Now to prepare for the NEXT one ... ugh.

ATT Hickson said...

I'm so happy to hear that this is behind you! What a brave little girl. Let me know if we can do anything for you!