Sunday, April 20, 2008


Well a couple of days ago Darren says to me, "Ash will you look up the price of sand? I wanna build Brinley a sandbox" I said I would, but in the back of my mind am thinking "yeah right". You see, although my wonderful husband has great intentions, I had a feeling he had no idea what he was doing. But yesterday, after doing yardwork, he made his way to the hardware store to pick up the wood for the sandbox. Still a little skeptical I watched him get to work... and it turned out, well perfect. I was very impressed and proud of my hubby and his woodworking skills which I thought didn't exist. Brinley went to bed for her nap and woke up with this great new toy. At first she didn't know what to think and didn't really like the feel of it, but after a few minutes she dug right in. I couldn't get her out without a tantrum.. Thanks daddy. I am so glad I have such a great husband who loves to make our family happy, even though his wife doesn't always have the confidence in him that she should. Love you babe!! Working Hard Shoveling Sand
Look how great it is!!


heidi said...

LOVE the sand box idea. I would love one for Luke, but would be very afraid of daily tantrums. Who am I kidding--he gives me those anyways.

Looks like she'll be in heaven with her new toy. Good job Darren on the project. It would probably be me around here who would actually make that.

Liz & Zac said...

How, what a good husband. I think its cute when guys get excited about making their kids happy. Lucky girl!

ATT Hickson said...

Good job Darren! Love the sandbox... Tanner experienced the feeling of grass in between his toes for the first time this week when we were in DC and he HATED it! Isn't it funny how these little guys react to new textures?!

Trevor and Liz Covington said...

Wow, I didn't realize you could by sand by the truck fulls, I thought it came in bags! I love how Darren thinks big.. I would have just put sand in a $5 kiddy pool and called it rad =)

KP said...

Just watch out for the kitties!! Hee hee.

Good for you Darren! It's the perfect toy. They can be as dirty as they want to be! What a fun time in life.

I love the baby countdown. Hope you're feeling great.

Say hi to your mom and dad for me.