Wednesday, August 18, 2010

We Made IT

So, we are now in Texas. We made it here last Thursday and man is it HOT!! Wow! I never realized how much humidity there is here. Crazy. But so far we are loving it. The other wives are great and the ward seems really nice. We are luckily right next to the pool in our complex. Which makes it nice to head out there for an hour or two every day. The bad news is that we don't have the internet in our apartment yet. We have to come to the clubhouse to use the one here. Hopefully we will have ours up and running soon. So, no pictures. I was planning to post pictures of Presley's blessing that we on my email but for some reason its not pulling up. So... those are still going to be coming later. Well, the new Texans are off to have some lunch. Hope everyone is doing great!!!

1 comment:

will, jess, gabbie, kensie, cambrie... said...

HEY! We are in Fort worth! we should get together while you all are here if you want! that would be fun!

let me know what you think.

my email is
