Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Makeover Madness

So yesterday my mother-in-law came in to get her hair done and pretty much gave me free reign on her hair. I was way excited for that because I had been wanting to do what I wanted on it for a while now.  And it turned out PERFECT!! I love it! I hope she will do it like that more often now that she knows how easy it is.  The color looks so great on her too! Here are some before and after pictures.  The before ones are just pictures that I happen to have. The afters didn't turn out all that great because of the lighting, but here they are. 

This is how she ALWAYS wore her hair...

This is a side view and a good picture of the color.

Here is a front view, but like I said the lighting was awful.


The Burrups said...

Great job ash! Kristen looks so good!. I love the cut and color you used!

Stacy and Justin said...

I love it! It looks really good on her. Now we will just have to make sure that she does it!

Lori and Cameron said...

She looks great, good job! She looks so much younger. Kudos.

lisa said...

I like the Hair Aunt Kris...Be sure to tell her for me....

The Burrups said...

wow i love it! she looks hot! great job ash a total transformation but so cool! how fun! we totally miss you guys and love you guys and the kids look like they keep growing. great job with brinley's room. so cute!