Sunday, September 28, 2008

We went to the animal fair....

Actually it was the zoo. We went twice this last week since the weather was so nice.  Once on Tuesday with Darren and on Thursday with my mom and dad while Darren was working.  We decided we should go since there is limited time for this great weather.  Both days all of the animals were out.  It was so much fun and we had a great time.  It is more and more fun each time we go since Brinley is always learning something new to say or do.. Beckham was asleep most of the time and that is why he isn't in a lot of pictures.  Brinley was so cute, she was afraid we were going to leave after each animal so she would look at us and say "one more, one more". So we would go to the next animal. She is our little animal lover and would go to the zoo everyday if we lived closer.
Brin and Grandpa.. Brinley calls him "papoo"
Brin and Grandma
I love this picture.. she looks SO tiny
Brinley didn't want either of us to hold her for this picture, she wanted to sit on the gorilla's lap.
Riding the tigers with daddy, we love it when he can spend the day with us, he always makes it so much more fun!
Beckham finally woke up, so we needed to get a picture with him in it!


The Burrups said...

cute pics! we love the zoo! i wish it wasn't so expensive out here cuz carter would love going all the time!cute hair ash! i am getting my bangs back finally! cuz my visting teacher does hair. so we are going to be twinners!

Stacy and Justin said...

Way cute pictures of Brinley and you look way beautiful too!

Holly said...

You do realize we live 2 minutes from the zoo, right? Call us next time and we can come up and say hi =)

KP said...

Ashley you're looking a little too hot to have a new baby! Looks like a fun day. That B is adorable!! Fun to see your mom and dad. Scary, though, to think they are the grandma and grandpa! You just wait kiddo. Time slips by way too fast.