Wednesday, July 2, 2008

James Beckham Burrup

Well, Beckham couldn't wait to be induced to come into this world. I was supposed to go in on Monday morning for an induction. As I was laying in bed anticipating the morning ahead of me, I felt a few pretty painful contractions. This was at about 11:30 pm. I got up to go get a drink of water and thought that my water had broke (it hadn't). When I got back in bed the contractions were unbearable and really close together. After about an hour of that, I woke Darren up and told him we need to hurry and get to the hospital. We checked in at 1:15 am and I told the nurse I wanted an epidural as soon as possible, which was all done at about 1:45am. At 2:15 my water broke on its own and then at 2:35 the nurse came to check on my progress and what do you know? It was time to start pushing. She called the doctor who got there at about 3:00 and Beckham was born at 3:11 am. He weighs 7 lbs 15 oz and is 20 1/2 inches long.We are home now and doing great. Although we were scheduleda week early, they think the due date was wrong and he was actually a week late. No wonder he was so big!! Crazy, but all is well and we are both doing great. Brinley is being a great big sister, although jealous at times. I was burping him this morning and she kept wanting me to put him in the swing so I could hold her. But overall I think she will adjust really well. We are just so happy to have a healthy little boy! I will post more pictures once I get them uploaded.


Jana said...

CONGRATULATIONS ASHLEY!!! I am so excited for you and can't wait to see more of the little guy!

heidi said...

congratulations! I'm glad it went well for you. Can't wait to see more pics!

The Tarin Family said...

CONGRATULATIONS!! I'm so happy and excited for you guys! I can't wait to see more pictures! I'm glad that everything went well, and I'm so glad that you posted so soon! I was visiting your blog everyday in hopes to hear some good news! I'm glad he made it here all safe and sound! Congrats again!

Melissa said...

Congrats, Congrats!! I am so happy for you guys (lets be honest, jealous too). The new addition to an already beautiful family will be such a wonderful one! I can't wait to come see him. Take care, lots of love!!

Brandon and Lindsay said...

Sooo cute! Congrats! That's so fun you have one of each right off the bat! I'm glad that everything went well during your labor and I hope all is well now at home! =)

KP said...

Ashley. Oh my goodness. You are beautiful. I see heaven shining in your lovely face as you cradle your little ones. What a woman.

Welcome little Beckham. See you at Christmas!