Monday, July 28, 2008

Princesses and Potty Training...

Brinley has been showing signs that she is ready to be potty trained for a few weeks now. So, let the potty training begin. We went and bought some big girl panties for her and she of course picked out the princess ones. She is constantly taking her diaper off so she can put the big girl ones on. So, as you can imagine, I will be sticking around the house for the next week or so to get this going. Hopefully she will do well and hopefully I won't lose my mind. If anyone has any potty training advice it would be greatly appreciated! Wish me luck!!


Amanda said...

Good luck!! Ginger loves her elmo panties. I've been doing the same with Ginger on and off for months now. I'd rather go through hours and hours of rough labor than potty training. But whatcha gonna do?

heidi said...

potty training...don't even want to think about it. Luke has being going on the potty for months now on and off, but I'm too lazy to go further. He's my last and I'm not quite ready to let him grow all the way up.

Jana said...

Ah! Good luck!

Jana said...

Ah! Good luck!

Stacy and Justin said...

So exciting! I've heard of moms putting 'em in panties and then if they don't go in the potty they have to stay in it for a while(wet panties, etc.) a lot of kids don't like the feel of peeing their pants and that works for some. But you will have to either have them outside or somewhere where you don't mind them peeing, etc? Good luck!

The Burke Family said...

The twins were so easy we bought them a little pink princess potty chair and cute undies and lots of treats. Everytime they went potty they got treats they were using it so much that I had to keep buying treats but whatever works at least I was not buying diapers anymore.

The Burrups said...

aw brinley is definitely growing up too she looks so cute and i cant believe shes wearing panties now. wuhoo! go brinley =) good luck and that is so exciting!we love you guys!